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You will receive three right facing and three left facing cameos. The background is green and the figure is ivory color. These cameos measure 14x10mm. The back is flat and smooth. #W134X
You will receive three right facing and three left facing cameos. The background is jet black and the figure is ivory. These cameos measure 14x10mm. The back is flat and smooth. #W132x
You will receive three right facing and three left facing cameos. The background is jet black and the figure is white. These cameos measure 14x10mm. The back is flat and smooth. #W136X
You will receive three right facing and three left facing cameos. The background is matte crystal and the figure is ivory. These cameos measure 14x10mm. The back is flat and smooth. #W13X
You will receive three right facing and three left facing cameos. The background is lilac and the figure is white. These cameos measure 14x10mm. The back is flat and smooth. #W11X
You will receive three right facing and three left facing cameos. The background is blue and the figure is white. These cameos measure 14x10mm. The back is flat and smooth. #W07X
You will receive three 25x18mm cameos with flat backs and no holes. #W263
You will receive twelve 10x8mm cameos (six right facing and six left facing) of a girl in a ponytail in ivory on a green background. #BB14 The small bottle in the second photo was a gift from my friend Willie Zuniga who inspired me to locate these tiny cameos for you. Those items are shown only to inspire you as...
You will receive twelve 8x6mm cameos (six right facing and six left facing) of a girl wearing a pony tail in white on a lilac background. #R281
You will receive three right facing and three left facing cameos. The background is ivory color and the figure is black. These cameos measure 14x10mm. The back is flat and smooth. #F40X
You will receive six 18x13mm resin cameos (three right facing and three left facing). An ivory portrait of a girl wearing a ponytail is shown on a green background. #L09
You will receive one beautifully detailed resin based cameo which measures 40x30mm. This is a flat back cameo with no holes. The design is ivory on a carnelian color background. #A356 Tip: If you ever get a cameo with slightly uneven edges it is easy to smooth them with an emory board.
You will receive three beautiful cameos in ivory on black featuring a flower bouquet. These cameos measure 25x18mm. #R341
You will receive twelve 10x8mm cameos (six right facing and six left facing) of a girl in a ponytail in white on a blue background. #B630
You will receive six beautiful resin based cameos in ivory on black featuring a flower bouquet. These cameos measure 18x13mm. #R340
You will receive six 18x13mm cameos (three right facing and three left facing) with a portrait of a woman in ivory on an angelskin background. This is a plastic resin base cameo. #L10
You will receive three resin cameos with ivory roses on a black background. They measure 25x18mm. #M04
You will receive three beautiful cameos in beige on black featuring cherubs playing and laughing. These cameos measure 25x18mm. #R327
You will receive twelve 8x6mm cameos (six right facing and six left facing) of a girl in a ponytail in ivory on a black background. #R280
You will receive three 25x18mm cameos featuring a portrait of a woman in white on a blue background. This is a light weight plastic resin base cameo. Shown in the second photo is a design idea for a treasure necklace. Those items are shown for ideas only and are not included. #A718